Sunday, February 12, 2017

 Don't Watch the Grammys it's that simple
 " Ehrlich has no reservations about political messages or anti-President Trump statements flying during CBS’ three and a half hour Grammycast. Artists expressing passionate opinions about real-life issues are the stuff of memorable moments, he said."

This kind of worked up protest is by people who, because of their money, won't be touched by the fires of violence that may come of their hateful speech. They fly above the masses and look down on them considering themselves to be chosen by the universe to be benevolent masters with privilege .They alone consider themselves to be the champions of the world and their form of socialism should prevail. .In the mean time they shoot their film many times outside of country to avoid union wages. We are here to serve their whims. Keep pushing it Penn and Streep, Oh, and let us not forget tough guy Deniro. Go head and rant at the one guy, who wants to keep us safe, who wants to bring good paying jobs back, who wants America to get fair trade deals. Keep sowing to the wind you New York and Hollywood elitists. your going to get your revolution. If you are allowed to stop the defense of this country against radical Islamic terrorism, then in the near future we are going to look like France, Belgium, Sweden, where you have women assaulted and women beaten. How many women are beaten in Muslim communities right now in the US?

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