Saturday, January 14, 2012

Can you believe it!

First , I want to thank everyone who prayed for me during my illness. Finally I can get back to the blog after the holidays.

Getting back to this bill that has just been passed. The National Defense Authorization Act You know that I had trouble with much of the criticism of the bill in regard to detention of US citizens. That the NDAA,   does not give the military the right to detain US citizens indefinitely, and it doesn't. But  H.R. 3166 and S.1698 ,the Enemy Expatriation Act  can strip a US citizen of their citizenship. Do I have to explain the ramifications of that?!!!!

Enemy Expatriation Act - Amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to include engaging in or purposefully and materially supporting hostilities against the United States to the list of acts for which U.S. nationals would lose their nationality. Defines "hostilities" as any conflict subject to the laws of war. "

112th Congress: 2011-2012
To add engaging in or supporting hostilities against the United States to the list of acts for which United States nationals would lose their nationality.
The Senate bill is basically the same. If pushed through this bill would empower the military to use detention against US citizens  that had their citizenship revoked .
Here is a n excerpt from Chuck Baldwin"s  article online;

"Have we forgotten the MIAC report out of the State of Missouri back in 2009? In that official State report, supporters of Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and Chuck Baldwin were identified as potential dangerous "militia members," and Missouri State law enforcement officials were notified to be on guard. Beyond that, anyone that identified themselves as being pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, anti-Federal Reserve, Christians who believe in the return of Christ, and even returning Iraq War veterans were likewise targeted as potentially dangerous to Missouri State law enforcement personnel."
 Sadder still is the way so many Christian pastors and churches have become little more than glorified cheerleaders for State ism and Militarism. While the Trojan Horse of Big Government sits unnoticed in Town Square, so-called Christians spend most of their time either trying to kill each other because of differences of opinion over secondary doctrines, or trying to turn their worship services into miniature versions of Walt Disney World.
I recommend going to link and reading the article

Finally back in the summer of 2010 the Tea Party showed us the power of the grass roots to change elections .The Occupiers of Wall Street stopped the whole country in business as usual. It is our duty to at least stand against those that have decided to take this country down another course different than what is defined in the Constitution of the United States. Thank You

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