Friday, January 20, 2012

This is insanity!

Many of you have heard me use the adage, "  the definition of insanity  is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results." I think Albert Einstein said that . WE keep outsourcing our jobs!!! Then lawmakers and state administrations cry we don't have enough money. ( what's wrong with that math?)  Revenues are down. Below is an example of what is happening right now in this country. Your tax dollars at work!

I contacted my state assemblyman and spent thirty minutes with one of his staff lodging my protest. The Alexander Hamilton Bridge project is in my state. I let them know that I will bug them every chance I get until this issue is corrected. If you do it state by state that would be enough.

It's time to resist this type outsourcing. Resist it  not a year from now but, NOW!

1 comment:

  1. I think this happened in California too. Problem is, has anyone ever seen how some of their construction projects turn out. You just need to post a picture of the collapsed building in china about a year or so ago, just collapsed, no warning or anything.
