If we enter in to a WAR with Iran and Syria the middle east could easily become the focus of a third world war.
Now if that happens oil prices would go through the roof.
So what to do in light of these dreadful possibilities?
First pray you will need faith. Romans 5:1
Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
Second store food for at least for your family preferably non perishables. Living where we do we kinda already do that.(One power outage in northern NY lasted for two weeks) |
Third Drinking water if utilities go out you need water. I recommend if, nothing else, the purifiers that you get for camping. You have to have drinkable water.
Fourth health needs : You need items everyday. Many of the soaps and detergents you use every day can become scarce as a result of hikes in oil prices. (restocking of shelves can be an issue) What if you can't find toilet paper on the shelves? What if you need alcohol for first aid? bandages ? etc
IF we we go to war. The things we don't even think about will be expensive or we can't get them.
I hear all the talking heads becoming more and more out spoken for action to be taken against Syria and Iran.
Let's see ten years in Iraq :result; country in shambles, very little infrastructure left ,civil war, more than a million dead( mostly civilians)... hmmm not to good there.
Afghanistan ten years later billions spent to drive out the Taliban now they're going to let them back innegotiations.The Afghan President siding with the Pakistanis against us. Not too good of a record there.
This doesn't include the families that are missing fathers, moms, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters. It does not include those that did come home without limbs and disabled for life. " war what is it good for ... absolutely nothing!!!! "
See the only people that suffer in any of these wars are the common people. (I don't even want hear the arguments for justifying that) If they escape the bombs,..... disease and starvation get them. If they escape that, the occupying forces rape and murder them. (look what happened just recently in Libia)
War is not good. Seldom is it justified.
And for those that call themselves christian I have one question; "Where IN the New Testament does Jesus say go to war?"
I know many will say well we have to have a strong defense. I believe that also. But deep inside do you really believe we have to kill hundreds of thousands innocent men, women, and children over seas to be safe here?
Do you really believe the Iranians are going to nuke the State of Israel, a country of 8000 square miles, that is home to the 2nd most holy site in Islam?
We, as a people, and I'm speaking to the Christians here, are just not thinking this through. Who profits from these wars? Who becomes richer and sits back in all kinds of safety raking in the cash from huge defense contracts? What runs and army? Food isn't first. It might be a very close second .You can still shoot someone if you haven't eaten for two or three days. But, without fuel in the theater of modern warfare you don't go anywhere.
So now we come back to gas and diesel fuel jumping to 6 or perhaps 7 (maybe more) dollars a gallon.
How will that effect you ? Are you ready for that?
If Obama is re-elected we will go to war. If Mitt Romney is elected we go to war.
If that happens I don't think we will have it so easy right here in Sandy Creek NY or where ever you are!
vote RON PAUL 2012 !!!!!
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